BioFit Review

BioFit Probiotic Review With Real Users Testimonials

This BioFit Probiotic supplement review attempts to provide information on the topics that potentials users might be interested in knowing about it.

We’ve posted some real user testimonials from many that we gathered across different social networks where we verified that they are legitimate BioFit users. We believe that these could help you decide whether you should buy BioFit and which option should you buy.

Disclaimer: this is an independent evaluation of the supplement and it is not meant to represent the BioFit brand, company or any of its assets.

BioFit Overview

BioFit is a weight loss probiotic supplement that aims to help people lose weight in a healthy and safe manner. To help people safely lose weight, BioFit uses several probiotic strains. These probiotics support digestion in different ways, with this being an added benefit to weight loss.

You only need to take one capsule of BioFit per day, and the supplement is on its way to support better digestion and help you lose weight. BioFit uses seven different probiotic bacteria strains – similar to the probiotics found in yogurt or fermented foods.

Probiotics are highly popular these days. Many people take probiotic supplements daily to support digestion and weight loss. A growing number of studies show poor gut health is linked to immune dysfunction, weight gain, health issues, and an increased risk of chronic disease.

Approximately 70% of your immune system is found in your gut. When you ignore gut health, you make your body weaker. Many people struggle to lose weight because of poor gut health. If you eat right and exercise but don’t lose weight, then it could be linked to gut health. Poor gut microbiota balance could make it difficult to lose weight – even if you seem to be doing everything right.

BioFit targets all of these areas to support healthy weight loss using clinically studied ingredients.

The type of bacterial strain used will determine the kind of effects that users experience in their bodies.

In general, the BioFit vendor has made this product improve the digestive process, eliminate bloating, increase immunity, and trigger natural weight loss.

The Way BioFit Works

When the user takes a probiotic supplement (such as BioFit), any of the risk factors that bad bacterias can cause are highly likely to be eliminated after the intake.

As those bad bacterias leave the body, the user will notice a change in their symptoms.

The desire to consume high amounts of sugar will go down, and in the case that they have any digestive issues, those are likely to go away as well.

These changes should be obvious and noticeable within a few weeks of starting a probiotic regimen.

Probiotics are a common supplement type in the health industry nowadays, offering a wealth of good bacterias to eliminate the bad ones built up in the gut.

If anyone is unsure if their gut is healthy, this might be a good sign that a probiotic should be incorporated.

The most obvious sign is the digestive system’s irregularity, like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, or constipation.

Toxic bacteria may also be flourishing if the individual experiences uncontrollable cravings for sugar and sweets, has a slow metabolism, is taking medication, etc.

BioFit proprietary blend, consisting of the healthy bacterias with their probiotic nature,  causes a natural loss of weight while fixing many “malfunctioning” digestive system functions.

How To Take BioFit

One supplement bottle comes with 30 capsules. These are enough to last you for a month as you’re supposed to take one capsule per day.

All you have to do is take BioFit as stated on the label of the product (product label image below).

You can take the pills with water.

Make sure to be consistent in your use of the supplement because only then can it be effective.

Never exceed the level of dosage by self-medication.

BioFit Ingredients

BioFit has been created to fill in the gaps that prevent balance within the gut flora.

Essential ingredients (800mg per serving) in this formula represent different strains of probiotics, which have long been known to not only enhance gut health but, as a consequence, other aspects of health as well.

Some of its ingredients include (tap to see their description):

This is a type of bacteria that is commonly found in the intestines as well as the oral cavities of humans.

It is known for the role it plays in controlling lactose intolerance.

When you use a supplement as BioFit, your body loads up on this probiotic which helps in the digestion of complex food molecules which would otherwise be impossible to break down.

This ingredient also improves bowel movements which is why it is also a common ingredient in many anti-diarrheal supplements.

This bacterial strain naturally exists in the GI system of the body.

It is also found in the environment around you, particularly in soil.

In general, it is a harmless bacterial strain that exerts no side effects in both animals and humans.

Its inclusion in the BioFit supplement is due to its properties which can reduce inflammatory levels and boost a slowed-down metabolism.

This ingredient is extremely resilient and can survive in harsh environments due to its extensively large genomic structure.

It is commonly found in kimchi, sourdough, and other fermented foods. As soon as this strain enters the body, it starts working to remove toxins and killing any harmful bacteria that might be negatively affecting the digestive process.

This is an ingredient well known for lowering the levels of oxidative particles that stimulate stress in the body. It also helps to achieve a balance between the bacterial strains in the gut.
This bacteria is found in the human gut which helps convert lactic acid into lactase. As a part of a BioFit capsule, it prevents foreign invaders from growing inside the gut and, in this way, it can prevent several health complications and diseases.

This probiotic strain works by strengthening the immune system so that the body can protect itself from dangerous pathogens. Moreover, it reduces fat, improves the health of hair and skin, enhances respiratory health, and protects against yeast infections.

Many people naturally lack Bifidobacterium Breve in their body which is why their health can be compromised. However, with proper supplementation such as BioFit, this lack can be covered.

This strain of probiotic bacteria was added to the BioFit supplement with the purpose of relieving anxiety and depression while regulating the sleep cycle.

BioFit Label

BioFit Main Benefits

The BioFit supplement has a large array of benefits, most of which have already been mentioned in this review.

However, we’d like to outline the core benefits that BioFit offers below.

BioFit Pricing

It is important that you know the pricing of BioFit and decide which option you want to buy, considering the pros and cons of each of them.

Below these pricing images we give you our analysis of the different options to help you decide.

Ordering a bundle option (3 or 6 bottles) is the most cost effective option if you decide to purchase.

Most likely you’ll start seeing the expected results after a few weeks and if you buy the single bottle you’ll be wanting to get more before you run out of supply.

You’ll surely want to have enough supply once you start seeing results, after a few weeks of using the supplement before you run out, so we recommend you get a 3 or 6 bottles bundle.

BioFit offers a 180 days money back guarantee, so you should be confident that in the unlikely case you don’t see results, you can get your money back.

BioFit User Testimonials

We took the task to survey people on social networks to see if they were willing to provide us with their testimonials regarding their experiences with BioFit.

Fortunately, a bunch of them were very willing to tell us how it went for them with the BioFit Probiotic supplement and allowed us to post it here for everyone’s benefit.

Below is only a small portion of the testimonies that we were able to gather, and are the ones that we believe will relate to most people.

Camilo - 36 years old

"I came across BioFit through an IG ad and got hooked by the fact that it was a supplement based on probiotics and I was having both gut and overweight issues, so it was a great fit for me. I initially got the three bottles option, but I noticed a loss of 11 pounds right when I was finishing my first bottle! I've also been feeling a lot better from my gut issues in the last month, so I'm definitely continuing to use BioFit for a long time. I actually orered an aditional 6 bottles bundle to keep me going for the next few months."
Camilo Gomez - 36 y/o
Lost 11 pounds in 4 weeks

Stacy - 55 years old​

"The reason why I decided to buy BioFit was because I'm used to taking probiotics, and I love them, and because I also wanted to find something that helped me lose weight. I'd tried other supplements that sort of worked for me, but I always ended up feeling sick in my stomach. This changed with BioFit because my stomach feels great and after about six weeks I've lost about 14 pounds. As recommended, I bought the six bottles package because of the 180 days guarantee and I encourage other people to do the same. Nothing to lose and lots to gain!"
Stacy Jones - 55 y/o
Shed 14 pounds in 6 weeks

Barbara - 58 years old

"Like many people, I found BioFit through a Facebook ad and loved the fact that it was a probiotic supplement because I felt that it was a guarantee that I wasn't going to feel ill while trying to lose weight. I bought the 6 bottles pack and was surprised to see how I had dropped 10 pounds just a week into the second bottle. I'm very happy with these results, but probably even happier with how well my gut is feeling and how energetic I've become as a result of taking BioFit. I most definitely recommend buying the 3 or 6 bottles bundle because I think that after a few weeks is when you'll actually start to see yourself losing weight and feeling better in general."
Barbara Carpio - 58 y/o
Dropped 10 pounds in 5 weeks

Frank - 42 years old

"Honestly, I hate it when social networks force ads into you while you're looking at something else. However, me being a probiotic supplements fan, I wasn't too upset when I saw this Facebook ad about BioFit being a probiotics capsule designed to make you lose weight. Well, after watching their presentation a couple of times I decided to give it a shot and bought the 3 bottles option. I was noticing a difference in how my clothes were fitting since the first few weeks, but I didn't go on the scale until after week 7 when I noticed a loss of 15 pounds since the last time I went there. I didn't change any other thing in my life routine so this must have been BioFit, so I recommend it 100%. It makes your stomach feel great too, so that makes it even more amazing!"
Frank Bergstein - 42 y/o
Lost 15 pounds in 7 weeks

Joanna - 51 years old

"I have to admit that I spend more than a fair amount of time on Facebook and some of the ads just glue me to my phone screen. I don't fall for all these ads, but BioFit's pitch was different because of its probiotics nature. Long story short, I bought the recommended 6 bottles option, had one capsule every day, and by week 4 I'd sliced 11 pounds while improving my stomach health which hadn't been great before using BioFit. I plan to keep using it for as long as it keeps doing wonders and I recommend you buy a big bundle because you will want to keep using it as well after you see what it does to you."
Joanna White - 51 y/o
Sliced 11 pounds in 4 weeks

Michael - 64 years old

"The wife had tried BioFit and I saw her lose 10 pounds in about a month. She pushed my to try it as well, but I've never been into any kind of supplements to lose weight. However, given her results I had no arguments against it and I really needed to lose weight. I agreed to try it and she got me a package of 6 bottles. She made my go on the scale before I started with it to measure my results and reminded me to take it each and every day. I went on the scale every other week and always noticed I'd lost a couple of pounds and by the 8th week I'd lost a total of 17 pounds. Incredible stuff, and my stomach just feels great so I of course recommend it to everyone out there."
Michael Clay - 64 y/o
Lost 17 pounds in 8 weeks

Kirsten - 52 years old

"I have a very pushy (but lovely) friend that almost forced me into buying BioFit. She had been taking it for a few weeks and had lost quite a bit of weight (not sure how much though), so I guess I had no choice given their 180 days money back guarantee. At my friend's recommendation I bought the 6 bottles package and I don't regret at all spending that money. I was checking on my weight pretty much every other day, but only noticed a significant loss of weight after the 4th week. Now is the end of week 6 and I've lost 14 pounds. BioFit also seemed to have gotten rid of some stomach issues that I was having, so that's a great plus. Thank you my dear (pushy, but lovely) old friend!"
Kirsten Stewart - 52 y/o
Dropped 14 pounds in 6 weeks

From these testimonials we see a bunch of common themes:

  1. A common motivation about BioFit being a probiotics supplement.
  2. People feeling better from stomach issues.
  3. Significant loss of weight after a few weeks into using it.
  4. People’s relief by BioFit’s 180 days guarantee.

If after seeing these reviews you are convinced about getting the BioFit supplement, we definitely recommend you get one of the 3 or 6 bottles option because you are likely to need that amount before you see significant results.

Click on the button below to go to BioFit’s official website and get one of the available options.

BioFit Conclusion

BioFit is obviously NOT a “lose weight only” supplement, but it also works well to improve your health in general, digestive system and metabolism rate due to its ingredients blend as explained above.

We believe that most likely you will start seeing results after a few weeks of usage. This is why we recommend you make sure to get a bundle (3 or 6 bottles) if you decide to purchase for better cost.

The 180 days 100% money-back guarantee gives anyone a great relieve when feeling skeptical of trying it out, even after being convinced by the facts on this review.

If you decide to purchase, make sure you do it through the official link so that it is a recognized purchase and the quality is guaranteed!

Just reiterating, we recommend you buy the larger bundles where the price per bottle is much lesser and you’re covered by their 180 days money-back guarantee.

Beware Of Non Official Sites

There are some websites that try to impersonate BioFit’s official website, but they are NOT the real deal.

We’ve noticed several websites that look a lot like they are the official one, but there’s only one official website for BioFit.

The official website is this:

Any other website is either a scam to trying to steal your banking information, or maybe just an imitation to try to get you to believe that they are the official site and send you somewhere else that may or may not be the right place to buy BioFit from.

This is why you should make sure that you ONLY purchase BioFit from

You shouldn’t even try to buy it from Amazon if you find it there because that will for sure end up being a scam due to the official BioFit vendor clearly stating that they only sell the product through their official website.

BioFit official website, again: